33 Brews: A Homebrewing Log and Brew Journal by 33 Books Co.


Take Your Brewing Up a Notch or Thirty-Three!

Someone once said, "The difference between drinking beer and tasting beer is taking notes." Same goes for brewing. You'll never catch a commercial brewer without her brew log, used as much as a planning tool as a record for future reference. Good brew notes help you repeat great beers, but also help you refine your recipes (and process).


33 Brews is a homebrew log Dave designed for himself. He's been homebrewing since 2002 or so, and like many homebrewers, his recipes used to live in the margins of brew manuals, on random bits of paper and all too often, in his disorganized head.

This book keeps your brew notes in an orderly and professional format, with unique features designed to improve your record-keeping. Bound in a recycled chipboard softcover, it lays flat and wears well, and it never runs out of batteries! With a compact size (5 x 7 inches), 33 Brews is the perfect addition to your brewing kit.

Inspired by Professionals, Designed for Home Brewers.

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